Rénovation d'un camping à Bidart
ClientCamping Berrua
- Rénovation du camping berrua à Bidart, lot Levage grue 70 tonnes, maçonnerie
enduit, carrelage - Pose des bungalows avec la grue mobile 70 tonnes
- Reprise des enduits du bâtiment existant
- Dalle BA support de l’air de jeu
- Reprise du pédiluve de la piscine y compris étanchéité et carrelage

Notre mission
Les étapes de construction
Focusing on medium to large-scale commercial construction projects, we work with both investors and developers to create landmarks that make an impact. Focusing on medium to large-scale commercial construction projects, we work with both investors and developers to create landmarks that make an impact. Focusing on medium to large-scale commercial construction projects, we work with both investors and developers to create landmarks that make an impact. Focusing on medium to large-scale commercial construction.
01. Building the future powered by innovation
02. Backed by highly skilled workforce
03. Exposure and expertise in diversified verticals